Hello, my name is Liz and I’m the person behind Witchcrafty. I’m a Manchester-based weaver and I’ve been weaving for ten years now. I’m inspired by plants, trees, space and witches – you’ll be able to tell by looking at my designs!

I love weaving and have a particular interest in heritage textile equipment, although I don’t get to use it very much these days. If you run an old mill get in touch! I’ll be posting about textile mills, textile exhibitions, my favourite weavers and textile artists and (occasionally!) my own work on my blog.

At the moment I’m designing and making woven wall hangings for my new collections “Summer Fun” and “Constellations” on a 24 shaft Dobby loom. I also do tapestry weaving and am open to taking commissions for work produced using either method. Just send an email to weavingwitchcraft at gmail dot com.

You can also contact me about facilitating workshops. I’ve delivered tapestry weaving workshops at the International Slavery Museum in Liverpool and would love to do more of these. I don’t have the equipment or the space to deliver hand loom workshops but hopefully I will one day!

When I’m not weaving I enjoy days out, hanging out with dogs, foraging for fruit, murder mystery TV shows, eating cake and swimming outdoors.